

Are you sure you want to remove kanji?



Previewing 0 kanji

Drag to select kanji if you want to remove them. Pressing shift / ctrl / ⌘ while selecting will toggle selection.


Tip: your input can contain other characters as well, and only the kanji will be considered. You don't need to worry about duplicate kanji because they won't get added twice.

Kanji you add here will be stored as "priority" kanji - all your quiz questions will have at least one kanji from this list. Any kanji you add here will also be added to your regular kanji list.

It is HIGHLY recommended to keep a backup of your kanji list with you, so that you can import it again if the browser data resets. You can use the export button below to download a copy of the kanji list.


Import from:
Anki Deck

Export the anki deck as an apkg file and upload it here. Don't include media. The maximum allowed file size is 4 MiB.

No file chosen
The file is too large! The maximum allowed size is 4 MiB.
Click here to generate a new personal access token. You can leave all the checkboxes unchecked. Copy-paste the generated token into the field below and hit import.

Your progress will not automatically update here, so after you've learned a bunch of new kanji, you can paste the same token here again to update the list.


Import manually:

Note: The kanji order is from the sixth edition of the RTK book, taken from here.


Note: The kanji lists for each level are taken from here, and might differ a bit from the list you're using, since there are no standard lists. You can always remove kanji that you don't know, and add additional kanji that you do.

JLPT level

KanKen level


To import a file that was previously exported from here, just copy-paste the contents of the file into the text boxes at the top.

0 kanji added

Drag to select kanji if you want to remove them. Pressing shift / ctrl / ⌘ while selecting will toggle selection.